
Human Resource Management of Kingfisher


Human Resource Management(HRM) is responsible for the management of persons working in the organisation, that right person is placed at right job positions. They are also responsible for training and development of employees, their recruitment, performance appraisal and rewards given to them. Kingfisher is an India based airline group with 5,696 employees working in it in 2012(Collings, Wood and Szamosi.2018). Its headquarters are situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra has slogan Fly The Good Times. This report will describe the purpose and functions of HRM along with strengths and weakness of different approaches of recruitment and selection. Furthermore, benefits and effectiveness of different HRM practices will be estimated in this study.

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Task 1

Purpose and functions of HRM


Effective use of resources- The main purpose of HRM is effective use of persons working effectively and efficiently so that right persons are working for right job. HRM of Kingfisher is responsible for the use of human resource of the organisation efficiently so that productivity can be improved.

Develop resources- It refers to the development of an individual to perform a task. This is necessary so that employees are ready for the coming challenges. With the help of development process, workers' efficiency and productivity will be improved and this will be helpful in development of Kingfisher.

Engage employees- To know the capability of employees of Kingfisher, it becomes necessary to engage them in work so that their efficiency can be known to employer. By engaging them in work their efficiency is also improved and measurement can be done and necessary steps for improvement can be taken.

Promote company society- This is to ensure that workers are happy to work in Kingfisher and they will stay which will reduce the employee turnover(Bratton and Gold. 2017). This can be done by providing them healthy work environment and other facilities to make them stay in the organisation.

Recruit- This purpose is related with bringing of next employee in Kingfisher so that vacant positions can be filled up.


Recruitment and selection- This refers to the process of attracting the required candidate to choose for the job and encouraging the unrequited candidate to leave from the job. It involves process of attracting, showing and selecting qualified candidate for the job. A proper plan regarding number of persons required should be made before this process. To reduce the chances of selecting unqualified and demotivated employees, this process is necessary.

Orientation- This refers to making employee familiar with its job and employer. This program includes goals of Kingfisher and how the candidate is helpful in achieving these goals. . Through this employee can know about his duties and work to perform, his job role. After knowing his duties and job he can actively work for company.

Maintaining Good Working Conditions- For liking of workplace and environment, it is necessary for Kingfisher to provide good working conditions to the employee(Chelladurai and Kerwin. 2017). Motivation is essential for workers so that they can contribute fully to the company. Employee welfare scheme should also be provided to candidates which gives job satisfaction.

Managing Employee Relations- The HRM department of Kingfisher should organise activities through which employee can be known personally and professionally. Better employee relations between employee and employer will increase success of the firm.

Training and Development- It is an important function of HRM of Kingfisher which is helpful in improving the performance level of persons. Proper training and development person's skills and ability will be improved.

PESTLE analysis

  • Political factors- It influences in terms of funding that is available in the company. There is involvement of taxes, minimum wage rate quality and quantity of staffs.
  • Economic- This factors includes the money that is available in the stated company for the purpose of salaries, training and equipment. This is the most immediate concern that comes in planning of human resource. Thus, to build economic factors in terms of human resource plan that later helps in predicting number of employees that is needed.
  • Social- There are many factors of social that inflence the planning of HR. thus, where there is clear discrepancy of one social group, building good ideas the ways to open up new opportunities.
  • Technological factors- Advanced technology leads in bringing new skills that leads in making company aware of needs of training in terms of planning about human resource.
  • Legal factors- The law of employment is important sector of legal system that influences planning of human resource. It changes all the time. Thus, employment law changes and it must be reflected in policy of company and implement on ground by managers and supervisors.
  • Environmental- This includes the location of business in relation to find sufficient and appropriate staff or changes to environment that mean a need for more or few employees.

Soft/ hard


In these employees are treated as the important resource of business and also make them resource and cost of that particular resource.


The workers are treated as an asser of company in terms of machines or buildings.

Strength and Weakness of approaches of recruitment and selection

Internal Recruitment- It refers to reassigning of the current employee to new job positions by giving them promotions or transfer. It is used to develop a sense of loyalty progress among employees and also helpful in saving money, time and company's resources.


  • Through this, recruitment costs of Kingfisher will be lowered as they do not have to pay to recruitment agencies.
  • The productivity of the person is already known to employer.
  • This will help employer to become more attractive and they will be able to retain their employees. Also, this process will be less time consuming for Kingfisher.
  • It will increase morale of employees as there is chance of getting reward and benefits to work well.


  • If HRM is planning to give a chance of reward and other benefits to a worker then this will create dissatisfaction among other workers.
  • There would be a limit in choices for other more qualified candidates to enter in the organisation.
  • It will create a situation of other vacancy which are to be filled.
  • No new ideas from outside can be generated.

External Recruitment- The process of filling up of vacant job positions from outside through recruitment and selection process(Marchington and, 2016). It refers to bringing of new ideas for the development of the organisation.


  • Through external recruitment, a larger number of applicants opt for job in Kingfisher which is helpful in choosing more qualified candidate for the job.
  • This will bring fresh talent which will help in motivating the existing employees.
  • External recruitment will be helpful in hiring more experienced and highly qualified candidates through which development and success of Kingfisher will increase.
  • Competitive spirit among people working in Kingfisher can be developed.


  • This type of recruitment proves to be expensive for Kingfisher, as it includes costs for announcement of vacancy, arranging office for employment.
  • This also proves to be more time consuming process as it takes time in announcing of vacancies, taking interview of candidates and making them familiar with their job positions and employer and therefore is a long process.
  • There can be a problem of adaptability with the new candidate to adjust himself with other persons working and the environment of Kingfisher.
  • Competition will be increased in the organisation, due to which the existing employees will create some sort of issues with each other.

Both internal and external recruitment plays very important role in proper use of human resource of Kingfisher.

Task 2

Benefits of HRM practises

It refers to prearranged approach of establishing more open and caring management kind to motivate and develop employees so that they be beneficial for growth of the company. Some of these benefits are-

Training and development- With the help of HRM practises, efficiency of workers is increased through proper training and development programmes. Every worker needs to be trained according to their work so that they can perform their task efficiently. Also, additional qualifications can be added to existing employees through this training and development sessions(Albrecht and,2015). This will also be helpful for reducing employee turnover. Trainees of Kingfisher gives proper guidance to workers so that they can work effectively and this will reduce their chances of doing mistakes. Proper training and development programmes will motivate and guide employees to perform well in their assigned task.

Payment and Reward System- Organisation also provides rewards to workers for doing their work effectively, this also proves a motivational tool for Kingfisher. Employees' performance is automatically improved when they are attracted towards reward and additional pays for performing well for the company. This will therefore improve the performance of employees and company's employee turnover will be reduced. This rewards will also be helpful in reducing the financial problems which will give them satisfaction and they will work to their best level.

Job and Workplace Design- This includes the satisfaction of employee regarding the infrastructure and working facilities provided by Kingfisher. By providing good and healthy work place workers will feel satisfied in doing their job(Moore and Jennings eds.2017). Proper infrastructure facilities will reduce the danger of lives and also will be helpful in attracting more number of candidates to apply for the job. Other facilities like food and water, proper ventilation of air, parking facilities will improve the work environment and provide satisfaction to the employees. Appropriate facility for leave provided by Kingfisher will give satisfaction to the employees and with this they can easily manage their personal time with their family, friends and relatives.

Effectiveness of different HRM practises on organisation' profits

For increasing the profits of the company, human resource plays a very important role. Employees of Kingfisher are a valuable asset for the firm. They play a very active role in increasing productivity and profits of the firm. Profits and productivity of the company are increased with proper optimisation of trained human resource of the firm. Proper training and development programmes will help to increase the productivity of workers which in return help in improving productivity of the firm. Proper training is helpful in increasing the skills and capabilities of candidates through which they can understand their work more appropriately and work accordingly. Through this they can now face the upcoming challenges and efficiently overcome them which will improve the company's productivity and increased profits.

Rewards and additional payments acts as an motivating tool for Kingfisher to increase its productivity and profits. Rewards given to employees on the basis of improvement in their performance will motivate them to work more effectively and efficiently. This increase in efficiency will be helpful in generating more profits of Kingfisher. As rewards give feeling of satisfaction to the employees, this satisfaction will increase their efficiency by which firm's profits and productivity is also improved. Satisfied workers will definitely contribute more for organisation to generate more profits.

Satisfaction provided by organisation regarding healthy working environment will boost up the morale of employees and help Kingfisher in retaining their existing workers and attracting new candidates(Brewster,Chung and Sparrow. 2016). Other facilities like food and water, cleanliness, friendly relations with other persons working in the company will give help in boosting up of their morale which will motivate them to contribute more towards achievement of determined objectives and goals of the firm. Also, this will lead to work without wasting of company's resources and perform well on time. With this decreased wastage of resources Kingfisher's productivity will be improved.

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From the above report different functions and purposes of Human Resource Management are been concluded. Different approaches of recruitment and selection and strength and weakness of internal and external recruitment has been described in the above study. Furthermore, various benefits of different HRM practises such as training and development, payment and reward system and job and workplace design have been explained in this report. Effectiveness of these HRM practises on organisation's profits and productivity have been stated in the above study.


  • Albrecht, S.L. and, 2015. Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.2(1). pp.7-35.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
  • Brewster, C., Chung, C. and Sparrow, P., 2016.Globalizing human resource management. Routledge.
  • Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017.Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
  • Collings, D.G., Wood, G.T. and Szamosi, L.T., 2018. Human resource management: A critical approach. InHuman Resource Management.(pp. 1-23). Routledge.
  • Marchington, M and, 2016.Human resource management at work. Kogan Page Publishers
  • Moore, L.F. and Jennings, P.D. eds., 2017.Human resource management on the Pacific Rim: Institutions, practices, and attitudes(Vol. 60). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
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